Golden Retriever Grooming Information

Do Golden Retrievers need grooming?

The short answer is yes, and Golden Retrievers definitely need grooming. Grooming is an essential part of owning a Goldie. While this breed is known for its gorgeous coat, it can be cumbersome to care for.

The good news is that goldens are relatively easy to groom at home, and their coats are worth the time and effort required to keep them looking their best.

Golden Retriever Grooming
Golden Retriever Grooming

What kind of grooming does a Golden Retriever need?

When you groom your dog, you’ll want to brush them regularly and trim its nails every few weeks. Your pooch will also need a monthly bath, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. You’ll want to brush your dog twice weekly because they shed fur constantly.

If you don’t brush them regularly, the hair will build up around their paws, making walking difficult. Brushing also helps distribute natural oils through the coat that keep it healthy and shiny!

For the Golden Retriever, grooming is essential to its well-being and beauty. First, the Golden Retriever coat is different from your standard poodle coat. The longer coat forms water-resistant layers that protect the dog from the elements, especially in cold weather.
Grooming helps keep these “layers” healthy and intact. Without regular brushing and combing, the dog’s fur would not be able to keep it warm in winter or cool in summer.

Is it OK to cut a Golden Retriever’s hair?

It’s a question you may have wondered yourself, perhaps during a grooming session while you run out of ideas on getting through the knots and mats. Many breeders advise against it, saying that clipping is not behaviorally natural for the dog and can cause them to lose their coat too fast since they won’t be in contact with burrs and other things that will naturally keep their hair healthy.

How often should a Golden Retriever be groomed?

grooming golden retriever
grooming golden retriever
The Golden Retriever Club of America recommends that a Golden Retriever be professionally groomed every 6-8 weeks. This time frame may vary depending on your dog’s activity level and the season in which you live—if you’re in an area with snow or your dog is constantly going for swims, you may need to increase it.

Another factor to consider is the length of your dog’s hair—if your pet has long hair that tends to get tangled easily, increasing this time frame can help prevent painful knots from forming. If you prefer to do the grooming yourself, check with your local veterinarian for information on the best products and techniques for your pet.

How often should a Golden Retriever be bathed?

The American Kennel Club recommends bathing your Golden Retriever once per month during the shedding season or every two months for dogs without much shedding.

But these guidelines are only suggestions—still within reason and depending on how much your dog plays outside or in environments where they come into contact with dirt or other dogs that may not be as clean as possible. If your dog lives indoors with you most days of the week, it may not need to be bathed so often.

What happens if you don’t groom your Golden Retriever?

First off, let’s understand why brushing is essential. The fur on a Golden Retriever is long and thick, so regular grooming helps remove dirt and any mats or tangles that may have formed in the fur between professional grooming sessions.

Allowing mats and tangles to remain for long periods can damage the fur, weakening its protective qualities against the elements. If your dog’s coat is damaged, it becomes more susceptible to cold weather, drying out in hot weather and becoming infected by pests like ticks or mites.

When you let your Golden Retriever go without grooming, they’re going through a one-month transformation into what they would look like if they lived in the wild. Their coats become matted and tangled; their skin is exposed to dirt, germs, and parasites; their nails grow so long that they crack and bleed; their ears become dirty and clogged with wax—even their eyes start to get gunky! But it’s not just them that could suffer from the lack of grooming; it’s you as well (if not more).

Golden Retriever grooming

Regarding appearance, there’s a reason why the Golden Retriever is one of the world’s most popular breeds. They are beautiful dogs with soft and luxurious coats—the type that any dog-lover would happily pet for hours.

While Golden Retrievers tend to shed, it’s nothing you can’t handle if you’re prepared. Regular grooming is the key to keeping your Golden Retriever healthy and looking great. Grooming is essential for all dogs, but it’s straightforward in the case of Golden Retrievers because they do not need much more than a quick brushing and bath.

Basic grooming advice

In case you’ve never brushed a Golden Retriever before, here’s how it works: their fur has two layers—the undercoat (or “down”) and the outer coat (or “guard”). The long, straight guard hair keeps your pup warm by trapping air close to the skin.

On the other hand, the undercoat is short and dense, preventing moisture from getting trapped against your dog’s skin. When you brush your dog, you’ll remove those undercoat hairs—you don’t want them matted together or turning into dreadlocks!

how to groom a retriever
how to Groom a Retriever

Tips for brushing & trimming

To keep your Golden looking his best, brush him at least once a week. Make sure to brush his undercoat and topcoat, and don’t forget the area behind his ears. Use a rubber curry comb or one made of plastic without teeth to remove the loose hair from his undercoat (you can also use a shedding blade, but those can be damaging if used incorrectly).

Brush in the direction of hair growth using short strokes, starting at the back of his head and working your way forward. If your Golden is not accustomed to being brushed, start slowly with short sessions that don’t last long enough for him to get bored. Work up to longer sessions as he gets used to being brushed.

golden retriever grooming supplies
Golden retriever grooming supplies

Dog grooming supplies for a Golden Retriever

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Golden Retriever care

Golden Retrievers are sociable dogs. Since they are happy and friendly, they like to spend time with their owners. They love being around people and would do well in a family with older children to play with. They are brilliant dogs and will pick up on training quickly.

golden retriever coats
golden retriever coats

The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog. They are active dogs and need to be exercised daily. They don’t do well if they don’t get at least one thirty-minute walk a day, but more activity would be better for them – perhaps bringing them along on a daily jog or bike ride with you! Ensure your Golden Retriever always has access to fresh water when he or she isn’t inside with you.

Golden Retrievers are prone to obesity if given too many treats or do not exercise regularly. Their diet should be high in protein with moderate fat content. They must get daily exercise or a few good long walks regularly.

Coat and skincare

Golden Retrievers are known for their beautiful, shiny coats. The coat is typically golden-colored but can also be cream or brown. The coat comprises two layers: the outer layer, which is coarse and flat, and the undercoat, which is soft and dense.

Because of their coat’s long length, Goldens require regular brushing every few days to prevent tangles from forming. The breed sheds year-round but only heavily twice yearly—during spring shedding (March through June) and fall shedding (September through November). Therefore, proper care and grooming are necessary to ensure your home stays clean and your dog stays healthy.

For skincare, you should wash your dog’s face after walks to remove pollen or other irritants. If you notice anything unusual on your dog’s skin, immediately take it to the vet.

The breed has sensitive skin due to its water-repellant and absorbent properties—so they’re more prone to allergies than shorter-haired dogs because they can’t cool themselves as quickly. If you notice your Golden Retriever scratching excessively or licking his paws, get it checked out by your veterinarian because these conditions could be signs of an allergy.

how to trim a golden retriever's ears
how to trim a Golden Retriever’s ears

Nail care

Nail care is a common problem for dogs, huge breeds with long hair. Their nails can become ingrown and infected from too much contact with the ground, leading to health problems if left untreated.

To prevent this problem, owners should regularly inspect their dogs’ paws and trim the nails if they see any overgrowth or soft-tissue growth. It’s best to cut them when the dog is relaxed, as the process can be challenging if your dog is stressed or excited.

Start by gently holding down your dog’s paw and examining each nail. You may need a flashlight to see the nails against the dark ground. Then, with an appropriate trimmer, trim off the sharp tip of each nail.

Ear care

Ear care is one of the most important aspects of grooming a golden retriever, and luckily, it’s pretty easy to do at home. Puppies’ ears should be cleaned weekly, and adults’ ears should be thoroughly cleaned every few months.

For dogs with long ear flaps or hair in the ear canal, you’ll need to brush out the hair first, or they’ll be susceptible to infection. Brush out excess hair with a slicker brush or grooming mitt. Use your fingers to clean out any debris you can’t reach with the brush, like dried wax or dirt. If you’re using a washcloth to wipe out the ear canal, ensure it’s clean!

Golden Retriever bathing
Golden Retriever bathing

Dental care

Dental care is a huge part of keeping your pet happy and healthy. It’s essential to go through the process regularly and keep up with any oral hygiene that needs to be done. Golden retrievers are very energetic and playful dogs, so they tend to have a lot of tartar build-up. You should brush your teeth daily to prevent health problems or diseases.

If you want to keep Golden’s mouth healthy, give him chew toys to help remove plaque and tartar build-up. It’s also good to check his teeth regularly and ensure he isn’t developing cavities. If he does show signs of tooth decay, you should bring him to see a veterinarian immediately because the infection could spread and become life-threatening.

Regular visits to the veterinarian will also allow you to catch problems before they become too serious. Even if you don’t notice any issues yourself, it’s still a good idea for your dog to regularly visit the veterinarian so that the vet can check his teeth and other areas for any abnormalities that indicate an underlying disease.

Golden Retriever Grooming: Advanced Techniques and Considerations

Golden Retrievers are a breed known for their friendly and tolerant attitudes. They are also beautiful, with dense, water-repellant coats in various shades of gold. This chapter will provide advanced techniques and considerations to keep your Golden Retriever looking and feeling their best.

Seasonal Coat Care

Golden Retrievers have a dense, water-repellant double coat that sheds seasonally. During these shedding seasons, usually in the spring and fall, it’s important to increase the frequency of brushing to help manage the shedding and keep your dog comfortable. Using a de-shedding tool can be particularly helpful during these times.

Skin Care

Golden Retrievers can be prone to skin allergies, which can lead to itching and discomfort. Regularly check your dog’s skin for redness, irritation, or unusual spots. If you notice any issues, consult with your vet. They may recommend a special shampoo or dietary supplement to help improve your dog’s skin health.

Exercise and Grooming

Golden Retrievers are an active breed that requires regular exercise. Regular activity can help keep your dog’s coat and skin healthy by promoting good circulation and helping to distribute natural oils. After exercise, check your dog for any dirt, debris, or pests that may have gotten caught in their coat.

Advanced Dental Care

In addition to regular brushing, Golden Retrievers can benefit from dental chews and a balanced diet that supports dental health. Regular vet check-ups can also help catch any dental issues early.

Professional Grooming

While many aspects of grooming can be handled at home, there may be times when professional grooming is beneficial. Professional groomers can handle ear cleaning, nail trimming, and thorough bathing. They can also provide services like de-shedding treatments, which can be particularly helpful during shedding seasons.

In conclusion, while Golden Retrievers require more grooming attention than some breeds, regular care can keep them looking and feeling their best. Paying attention to their coat, skin, teeth, and overall health ensures your Golden Retriever stays healthy and happy.


The golden retriever is a great dog breed, especially for families with small children and those who enjoy outdoor activities.

It is worth the effort if you love your Golden Retriever and want to do all you can to keep them looking and feeling their best. Grooming is part of the commitment of being a dog owner, and when you look at how endearing and loyal the dogs are, it’s hard not to feel that it is more than justified.

Michael Sherman

I'm Michael, a dog grooming expert with two doggies of my own. I love dogs and am always up for sharing tips on keeping your pup looking great. If you want to learn more about grooming or are looking for some tips on caring for your dog's coat, explore my site. 😎 participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to products on Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates.